"Charisma is a sparkle in people that money can't buy. It's an invisible energy with visible effects."
- Marianne Williamson
Each person has a unique pattern of thinking, behaving, and expressing feelings. In short, everyone has a unique personality.
While I was reading these lines in “Psychology: Modules for Active Learning” by Dennis Coon & John O. Mitterer , I asked myself What is the difference between personality, character & charisma. And if there is a difference, does a person with a good personality must have a charisma?
Charisma is a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire others. This divinely conferred power or talent which gives the ability to affect all people around in a positive way.
Psychologists regard personality as a person’s unique pattern of thinking, emotions and behavior. In other words, personality refers to the consistency in who you are, have been and will become. It also refers to the special blend of talents, values, hopes, loves, hates and habits that makes each of us a unique person.
Character is the personal characteristic that have been judged or evaluated; a peron’s desirable or undesirable qualities.
Now, What is beyond those definitions? Having TACT & CHARISMA gives you the ability to be a good leader. And a good leader can affect people easily, can change the world.
The most successful people in starring roles in society have tact or charisma or both. People with charisma immediately secure others' loyalty at first sight, with or without having many desirable assets. People with tact instinctively grasp the situation and put everyone at ease by being able to say the right thing at the right time. Moreover, they lead others into acting in positive ways and they ease sticky situations.
Expect acceptance.
Regardless of rank, expect to be treated as an equal. If you expect acceptance, you just might get it. If you don’t expect it, you definitely won’t get it.
Control your attitude.
Success in business is based more on mental attitude than on mental capabilities. Be optimistic toward yourself, others and life. Walk in to a room with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.
Think before you talk.
Think fast, pause, then speak purposefully. One CEO practices saying everything to himself before he says it out loud so that he will hear how it sounds and can change it if he needs to.
Slow down.
Speed in speaking, moving, gesturing and walking looks nervous and scared. Scared people get passed over, not hired or promoted. Learn to speak in a comfortable, easygoing and welcoming way. Don’t waste time, but do speak as if you have all the time in the world for those you are speaking to.
Shoot straight.
Everything you say or write can be done in a simple, straightforward manner. Just do it.
One day you will be a leader...You can save the world...
Sparkle with Charisma... Live Better Life...