Planting a small plant (By:Plattform) |
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”- Harriet Tubman
Do you have a dream and yearn to achieve it? Do you have a new eye towards something and don’t have enough courage to express it? Do you want to change something in your life but you don’t dare to do that? Do you need some SUPPORT, ENGOURAGMENT, and MOTIVATION?
SBME “Systems and Biomedical Engineering Department” is one of the effective departments not only in the Faculty of Engineering in Cairo University, but also in a lot of disciplines in our life.
Either you are a stuff member or student in it; you have a perspective towards a better change in the department. But maybe you get bored from trying to change, maybe you get weary from changing alone, maybe you are very tired from the routine. Or maybe you are waiting for someday with perfect timing & perfect circumstances. I mean waiting for perfect chance.
I want to tell you, that this “someday” has just arrived. It is the chance to turn all your dreams, changing plans, brilliant ideas…etc into reality.
I want to tell you, that this “someday” has just arrived. It is the chance to turn all your dreams, changing plans, brilliant ideas…etc into reality.
It is an invitation for you to begin achieving what you have dreamt of & to begin applying your ideas.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”-Mahatma Gandhi
If you are a professor, do you have a new technique in teaching? Do you want to apply new practical methods? Do you have an idea to improve the academic process? Do you want to held conferences, give talks…etc? Do you want to be internationally recognized?
Just need a chance…
If you are a teacher assistant, do you have a problem with the subjects that you are responsible of? Do you need to specialize in one or two subjects? Do you want to take a chance in the R&D sector? Do you have a great inspiration to improve a lot of things you see?
Just need a chance…
If you are a student, do you have a lot of goals and dreams? Need to select some subjects to study which interests you more? Do you feel that you don’t like the introductory courses in your first year? Do you feel that some subjects can be improved in any way? Do you want to be a TA, want to have a training opportunity, want to have a good job after graduation…etc? Have you complaining from the lectures’ places? Do you need well equipped labs? Do you have more ideas?
Just need a chance…
If you are a graduate, do you have some plans for improvment? Do you want to improve the post-graduates' courses? Do not know what is the problem that leads for not employing yet? Do you see a gap between the academic courses and the practical life? Do you have a passion to improve your department?
Just need a chance...
If you are a graduate, do you have some plans for improvment? Do you want to improve the post-graduates' courses? Do not know what is the problem that leads for not employing yet? Do you see a gap between the academic courses and the practical life? Do you have a passion to improve your department?
Just need a chance...
This is your time to take an action towards your dream. Here, together we will discuss every possibility towards improvement. We can add comments about our ideas, dreams, ways of improvement…etc. Then after we finished we will collect them in certain & specific items. If all of us agree on the shape of the improvement, we will made a committee to discuss that with the head of our department, then begin achieving our dreams.
Think about it, we can be better. Just dream, drop a comment and your dream will be a reality
This is our future; let us shape it…
Together, Towards Better SBME…
Dear All;
Dr.Bassel Tawfik, The Head of SBME,is willing to help us.
And he want us to begin thinking in how to develop our country, Egypt, as well.
He will share us soon ISA.
Enjoy achieving your dreams :)
Dear All;
u can use this page to find out how to put a comment on the blog.
Let’s start..
My first suggestion is how to :“ Define the biomedical engineer” ?
I think it’s an important idea in the steps of development.
I mean that: students after preparatory year who decide to join SBME, they need a definition of biomedical engineer, career and future.
I’m a fresh graduate, I asked this question when I was a student and the most dominant answer I found was that” biomedical engineer is a maintenance engineer “ which is FALSE…
Actually the biomedical engineer is more than that description . you know it’s rated as best career in 2011 by USA!
I found that biomedical engineer can work in many fields not only maintenance of equipment. Actually I know a lot of my colleagues who work in different fields, although a little of them work in maintenance.
So our department should introduce those fields to the students from the first year in the department to be able to draw their future not to discover it after graduation!
To achieve that ,I suggest holding seminars by people graduated, to tell the students about the life after graduation. That also can be achieved by the cooperation between the graduate students , the professors and TAs.
well..that is my place...this is the chance for every SBMEr. to say his word...
and here is my word...but not the last one..
I want the department to find a system to evaluate each teaching staff good he is to be a TEACHING member...
obtaining a a master degree or even PHD doesn't mean that he is a good TEACHING member...
i want a testing mechanism to decide if this engineer,TA,Prof. can be a TEACHING member...
we have some examples of doctors and TAs that i absolutely respect all of them.but they couldn't deliver the information to a student..
they have the information but couldn't get it out of their heads to others...
ONLY the one who can TEACH,please teach...
TEACHING EVALUATION SYSTEM could be an important step...
Thanks Omnia for this chance...
ok lets do something :)
Nice..and hope to be a positive gate for improving our dept. isA
a wonderful blog and I hope it will be a good step towards better future
my suggestions are :
1) I wish we learn in the department how to be creative
2) Instead of projects which we have every year , we may go to companies and take tasks from them
I want by somehow the tasks be very useful, change the tasks every year and put it in the website of the department
3) hope to have courses which learn us how to have our own work after graduation ,to make each group able to build a company and produce products that will help Egypt to be an manufacturer country
there is a problem facing us as a students specially in the 2nd and 3rd which is the studying places & labs. I'll summarize them in Arabic:
أولا : المعامل
1- فتح المعامل المتاحة حاليا سواء معامل الإكترونيكس أو الكمبيوتر للطلبة
3- تخصيص معمل كمبيوتر دائم للطلبة فقط
4- امكانية نقل البرامج التى يدرس عليها الطلبة من أجهزة المعامل إلى الفلاشة ووضع الفلاشة فيها
ولحل مشكلة الفيروسات التى تأتى عن طريق الفلاشة يتم وضع برنامج
Anti virus
فى كل جهاز ويتم تجربة الفلاشة عن طريقه وإزالة الفيروسات
5- تخصيص معملين على الاقل مجهزين لطلبة هندسة طبية فقط بجانب المعمل الوحيد المتاح حاليا حتى يتناسب مع أعداد الطلبة
6- السماح للطلبة باستخدام معمل الكلية واجهزتها في اي وقت وعدم اجبارهم على ترك المعامل
وفتح المعامل في اي وقت يحتاج الطلبة فيه.
لان الطلبة يضطرون لعمل المشاريع بعد اليوم الدراسى
7- توافر اجهزة ال
power supply
في المعامل بكميات تتناسب مع عدد طلبة القسم وتكون الأجهزة صالحة للعمل
ثانيا : قاعات المحاضرات :
1- استغلال كل الاماكن الممكنة والغير مستغلة لاعطاء المحاضرات بها مثل قاعات الدور الاول التي تكون خالية فى اوقات كثيرة بدلا من الذهاب إلى مباني 17 و14 و كيمياء
2- عدم استخدام مكان اخر غير المدرجات لإعطاء المحاضرات
3- عدم استخدام مكان اخر غير السكاشن المخصصة لإعطاء السكاشن
4- فتح المدرجات دائما و المكتبة طالما كان العمال موجودون نظرا لاحتياج الطلاب لأماكن يتجمعون بها لعمل المشاريع حتى لا يضطر الطلاب للجلوس على السلم
3rd year student
I had a request, a lot of us need the campus (el madina el game3ia)to be opened in the projects period after exams. we need a permission for that, please.
A. P.
2nd yr SBME
Greetings All ,
First, I want to thank you for this idea.
Second, I want to give you my opinion about that :-
- we can't change the total system with only typing on the keyboard ! or by saying we should do this and we have to upgrade that .... etc
- we all know what our department can do , so we need to talk from this point .
- we need to hold a seminar with the heads of the department like Dr. Bassil and Dr. Bassim .. etc
- we really in need of change in student's thinking and there are a lot of solutions to do that like seminars with graduate engineers.
- we need to change the courses discussions and exams and the way of teaching .
- we need to build a new courses for the first two years by which I can choose my field in the last two years .
- why we have the same projects every year !! and the same for the exams and exam styles .
- we have to let the students attend biomedical conferences.
and I have more and more but I hope to hear about seminar or a meeting with the presidency of our section and hearing each other.
thanks for All ,
Eng. Khaled
@ khaled : yes that meeting with the head "Dr Bassil" will be held isA..
we won't invite the people to this event to share their ideas if he doesn't agree and encourage us.
yeah,He welcome on that actually...
Thanks for your all suggestions , more than welcomed.
Those items want to be considered plz.
1- the wireless must be available in the places of studying & projects meetings places like:the library,first floor in arch. building,our dep. classes...etc. As we need it for projects and researches.
2- There is a problem with the electrical sets (cables). There is lack of them. And all of us need to recharge there laptops at the same time.
3- We need a permanent praying place in the dep. floor.Or even keep the prayer in the 3rd floor open and lit its lights till El-Isha Praying.
4- Clean the classes permanently.
Thank you.
3rd year SBMEan :)
زياده التخصص جوه الكليه بمعنى احنا قسمنا مقسوم في الدراسه مابين هاردوير وسوفت وير ومعظم الناس اللى بيمشوا مع القسم من غير اي خلفيات من برة بيطلعوا يلاقوا نفسهم مش اقويا هنا ولا اقويا هنا ودي بتعمل مشكله كبيرة في موضوع الشغل
عشان كده باقترح انيكون فيه تقسيم من بعد سنه تانيه بالكتير اللى عايزسوفت يدرس واللى عايز هارد يدرس وطبعا ها...يكون في جزء بسيط هنا هارد وهنا سوفت بس يكون فيه تخصص حقيقي السوفت لبرمجه الاجهزة والهارد للصيانه والتصميم ويدرس بجد عشان نطلع نلاقي لينا مكان برة
2-توفير تدريب لكل الطلبه تدريب كويس مع شركات كويسه ولازم الاصرار على موضوع التدريب ده ويكون اجباري علشان الناس تستفيد سواء كان الطالب في اي تخصص سوفت او هارد
3- الاهتمام بموضوع
soft skills
لان احنا مش بنتعرضله خالص في كليتنا وده مهم جدااا بره
ده رايي بشكل عام في القسم انا مؤمنه باهميه قسمنا لكن احنا مش بنطلع بالمعلومات والخبرة الكاف...يه اللى تخلينا نشتغل في اكبر شركات مصر رغم ان احنا من اكتر الاقسام اللى بتتعب معلش طولت عليكو
we want seminars not only with doctors whether from here or outside but also with the graduate students & experience engineers with all biomedical fields
regularly with all classes in our department, So that we can know everything new in the labor market to decide easily our choice after graduating.
نرجو الاهتمام بالحمامات من حيث :
1- تكون نظيفة نظافة عامة
2- يتم إصلاح الحنفيات كلها
3- يتم إصلاح تسريب المياه من الأدوار العليا
4- وضع أبواب للحمامات التى ليس لها باب
5- فتح جميع الحمامات وعدم تخصيص واحد منها للدكاترة واخر للطلبة حتى لا يحدث تمييز فى الاهتمام بنظافة الحمامات
6- إصلاح الشروخ الموجودة فى أحواض الحمامات
ملحوظة : بعض الناس من الكليات الأخرى الذين يحضرون لأخذ كورسات فى معامل الكمبيوتر اشتكوا كثيرا من تلك النقاط
والله البلوج ممتاز وفكرته عظيمة كونه مهتم بتطوير قسمنا سواء داخل الككلية أو فى الشغل ولذلك فى كام نقطه احب أضيفها :
ضرورة جعل سنة رابعه عبارة عن سنة تخصصية ونسيبنا بقى من المواد اللى ملهاش أى لازمه
يعنى لو مهندس حابب يشتغل فى السوفت وير
ليه نقعد نتعبه وياخد كورسات هو كده كده
مش هشيتغل بها بالاضافه انه ممكن يركز فى الكورسات
الأخرى ويفهمها أكتر لأنه هيلاقى وقت أكتر لتخصصه
ونفس الكلام لو واحد حابب لهاردوير ليه أقعد أديله نتورك وجرافيكس وداتابيز ؟
ما أنا اخليه يهتم اكتر بالالكترونيكس والميكروكنترول والميكروبروسيسور,,,ألخ
يا شباب اغلبنا بيطلع من الكلية بيبقى مستواه ضعيف
فى كل حاجه يعنى لا هو شاطر اووى فى السوفت ولا شاطر اووى فى الهارد ولا شاطر فى اى حاجه
يدوب عارف معلومات سطحيه عن كل حاجه وده فى الشغل بره حاجه بتنتقص مناا كمهندسين متخرجين من جامعه محترمة زى جامعة القاهرة
فى كورسات كتير ملهاش لازمه بناخدها من سنة اولى واحنا طالعين ولازم نعيد التفكير فيها اما نطورها
او نستعوضها بكورسات تانيه زى سوفت سكيلز أو
كورس ادارة او تجارة
او حتى كورس سى او سى بلس لأننا بنشتغل بهم فى تانيه وتالته وللأسف بندخل على المواد وكأننا فاهمين برمجة وبنتعب جدا وبدل ما نركز عالماده نفسها زى الداتا ستراكشر,,بنضيع وقت كتير فى ان المعيد يشرح لنا سى او جافا
وياريت دكتور بكر ميديش أى كورسات فالكلية
هو استاذ دكتور على رأسنا من فوق بس
مش معقوله ده اسلوب تعليم اننا نقعد نحفظ نحفظ نحفظ عشان مفيش وقت نفهم وياريت لو مادة زى الايكويبمنت ناخد ربعها فقط
لأننا لو فهمنا بعض الأجهزة احسن من اننا ناخد كميه
ونطلع زى الزفت _فى كل الأجهزة _
فكرة كمان
المفروض يكون فى لكل دفعة مجلس او مجموعة
من مثلا 5 اشخاص يتكلموا بإسم الدفعة ويكون فى
اجتماع لمناديب الدفعات كلها مع رئيس القسم
كل شهر زى ما بيحصل فى مجلس القسم
ويكون فى تعاون بين الدفعات بشكل واضح عن طريق
محاضرات تعريفية بالسنة الدراسية وأهم المواد
والطلبة تركز على ايه ,,,الخ
المعامل لازم تفتح طول الوقت ومفيش حاجه اسمها الاستاذ محمود معاه المفتاح ومش موجود او الاستاذ مصطفى تعبان شوية النهارده ومجاش ومعاه المفاتيح
ايه الاستعباط ده ؟
نسيبنا بقى من الروتين المقرف ده
يبقى فى يوم رياضى كل شهر او كل ترم ويبقى فيه
دورات رياضية او ندوات علمية
Salam Everyone,
In my opinion,
We need to categorize the needs, i.e.: which can be done by the department, the faculty, and the university
for example,
1- the department can have no hands on the students' dorm, as faculty member, the department can write you a letter for request, but such thing is the university policy, not even the faculty, but i would recommend that you contact the dept. chair, and if he didn't make a step contact the faculty dean and see how can they help you, and in such case act positive and fast, as these days lots of issues are discussed within the university meetings.
same thing for the library openeing timing, i didn't see anywhere in the whole word where the library is opne 24 hours, as a cleaning or the securityworker is not the right person to take care of the place. there is a definite time for closing except at the exam weeks when the whole university is up all day and night.
3- for the department labs, i totally agrree with you, the objective of labs is for sutdents learning, not for outdoor student to get money back to the university, so fight until the end
4- for the courses, if you won't work in hardware, please go ahead and change your deparment to computer science, you are in the wrong place, may be there are pretty deep electronic classes that we don't need to study, at this point, i can stop and discuss with you the isssue,
the objective of a biomedical engineer is to design a medical equiment, that contains software part and hardware part, if i will be working in the softwasr part, i have to be having at least a small knowledge about the hardware to be able to sit and discuss the problem and design how to solve, and vice versa, in such case i would restate such need: "we need to give a good base of hardware and software that let the students to get the idea and be able to link the components together, and give them enough opportunity and diversity of courses to choose between courses that fits their interest."
5- we need to update the department syllabus and courses, and even the course content
6- for the students activity, you guys have to have a student organization having board and active members not paper members who will organize events that can be social, sportive, etc.... don't espect to find a faculty member doing this effort, but you can have faculty members who will be leader or organizer, consultant who can be a TA or junior Dr.
BME Graduate student
سلام عليكم انا من رابعه طبيه
اولا الفكره هايله جدا ثانيا قسمنا بدأ يبقى فى تغيير لما اخدوا صاله 3202 وحولوها لمعامل بس ياريت المعامل ديه تبقى لطلبه القسم يستفيدوا بيها لان القسم كان بيعانى جدا من المعامل
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