Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Game of Life

Boy jumping over trench in countryside (@Jake Wyman -From:Getty Images)

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”
                                                         -Friedrich Nietzsche

Why shall we live? Maybe we ask ourselves this question every day, but actually we don’t have enough time to answer it. Once we enter life’s hamster wheel, we won’t be able to get off.

Our life is like a game and the key to winning, is the answer to this question. We join schools, institutes and even universities, and no one gave us an answer. After few years we realize that we must answer it ourselves before the game ends.

Every moment in our life we face questions like: why shall we live, what direction are we going and when can we realize that life is worth living? You would catch yourself stammering and can’t find the right answer, or you would answer according to your profession. There is no fixed universal answer that would satisfy everyone, the answer is forever changing and sometimes it leaves you more confused and befuddled, it also depends on the character of the person who is answering.

Before we were born, our mission in life was written. Once we are born, it becomes our destiny. But we must search for it and sometimes we can even choose it. If you don’t have a goal in this life, you must make one. And if you have one you must be sure that your goal will not die even with your death.

You could say: “I am not ambitious and I don’t even want to have a goal”. Trust me you must not do that, you have a great opportunity to choose your life and to create your legacy.

Dream big, what if you were to become one of the greatest characters known in the universe. Why do you not become a legend and set a goal that ignites your soul; a goal that is everlasting.

Linking your goal with learning, growing and inspiring others is one of the steps to achieve something worthy and great in this life.

If you ask a wise old man for his advice, he would tell you: “Worshiping Allah, learning, working, inspiring others and patience are the elements of worthy & unstoppable life; only if you use them with this inner power that lets you achieve the impossible. This inner power is your belief and your desire to be.
“Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying power - a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment.”
                                                               -Marsha Sinetar
Search for your potential and don’t let anything hold you back. Sometimes your work seems small and insignificant. But remember a small ripple can gain momentum and build a current that is insurmountable.

Begin with one small step; don’t let others stand in your way. Create your own path. Some may laugh, but many will follow.

Believe that beyond hope is absolute faith in Allah then in yourself, in your goals and in the outcome. Search for what gives depth and meaning to your life.

Your courage is your ability to place your dreams above your fears. Remember, fear keeps people small and insignificant; on the other side of your greatest fear, a great life exists.

It is time to be inspired and live your dreams with the passion that sparks your soul and drives you to complete your game of life.

Take time to know why you should live, and always keep in your mind; it is not enough to be the BEST, when you have the ability to be GREAT…

Just See, Touch and Taste your Dreams...
Dare to play this Game… Live Better Life…