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Young kids in a relay race in the park. (By: Bipolar) |
"If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes"
-Andrew Carnegie
Having a goal is usual, but having a powerful process for goal setting is unusual.
Today’s battle is not between Pittsburgh and Arizona to win the super bowl instead the battle is between SMART and SAFE goal setting criteria.
SMART set successful goals with objective and resolutions while SAFE use the power of law of attraction to achieve goals.
SMART is not the only way and may not even be the best way to set your goals, but SMART goal setting has some definite benefits. The SMART acronym stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time.
SAFE combines the best aspects of SMART with the power of the Law of Attraction. SAFE stands for: See your goal, Accept it, Feel it with emotion, and Express it.
If you choose SMART, so you will dive through those items:
If you choose SMART, so you will dive through those items:
Specific: The goal should be described as specifically as possible. A goal of studying software is not specific. A goal of studing a second language is not specific,studing english or french,... is specific just choose the language type and go on.
Measurable: the effective goal must be measurable. working harder at your job are not measurable as stated so you must identify some aspects of working hard like spending more time to study new thing in your work.
Achievable: There's an art to goal setting that revolves around the goal's difficulty. A goal too easy is not energizing. A goal too difficult seems hopeless. Both too easy and too difficult are goal setting no-no's. Set the level of challenge somewhere in between. A good way to decide that a goal is achievable but challenging is to make a vision board.
Realistic: Do you have the knowledge and skills to reach your goal? If yes, go on. If not, so begin your way by gathering this information to make your goal be within the availability of resources, knowledge and time.
Realistic: Do you have the knowledge and skills to reach your goal? If yes, go on. If not, so begin your way by gathering this information to make your goal be within the availability of resources, knowledge and time.
Time: Setting a deadline provides necessary positive tension to give you the energy to get on with it. The time frame you select should be realistic also.
See it: Picture the future as it will be when your goal is achieved. See it in great detail and full color.
Accept it: Accept means that you open yourself to attaining the goal AND you are 100% certain that it will occur.
Feel it: Goal attainment is more about attracting what we want than chasing what we want. Attraction is strengthened by combining the mental power of thinking about the goal (seeing and accepting) with the emotional power of the feelings you'll have when the goal is achieved.
Express it: Draw it, paint it, write it . Place your writing and pictures where you'll see them every day.
Accept it: Accept means that you open yourself to attaining the goal AND you are 100% certain that it will occur.
Feel it: Goal attainment is more about attracting what we want than chasing what we want. Attraction is strengthened by combining the mental power of thinking about the goal (seeing and accepting) with the emotional power of the feelings you'll have when the goal is achieved.
Express it: Draw it, paint it, write it . Place your writing and pictures where you'll see them every day.
Choose between SMART or SAFE...
Set your powerful goal... Live Better Life...
well I will choose the SAFE for its embbeded and clear meaning.
1st I want to feel safe in my life then prepare my self for the responsiblity of doing and achieving my goals,I am still drawing it.
Note, Please eidt the part of
" A goal of studying software is not specific. A goal of studying Java as a first step is specific"
"A goal of studing a second language is not specific,studing english or french,... is specific just choose the language type and go on"
Thanks of your effort and this is the best topic till now...
@ Doaa:
I am very glad that you suggests an improvment for the article and i have made it :)
thank you and keep following.
Aha; for you SAFE is the winner. Drawing your goal is the most important phase in ur life. hope that you make the most of it and enjoy it with passion and enthusiasm.
you are very brave to take this action and plan for the future, a lot of people do not dare to think about changing their life and find out the best of it.
enjoy your life and your goals...
have a smile on your face and spring in your step... Live Better Life...
Takk fyrir ahugaverd blog
i just read what you wrote on SMART. I agree with everything except the Time and realistic factors. When you set time, you become attached and stop letting go. It's fine to set a goal and take inspired action, but not to tell the higher power (God)when you need your desire manifested. Waiting up on God will only create anxiety, which is a negative emotion. Negative emotions push your dreams further away. BOTTOM LINE: Set a goal, draw up a plan, take action everyday towards the achievement of your goal and remember not to set a time limit. What you want might even come sooner than you expect.
Mwala Ndumba (n.mwala@gmail.com)
Thank you for reading and thank you for your effective comment.
I think that the time factor is important, for example if some one want to be a good computer programmer, (this is one of his goals) he should put a plan how to achieve his goal then be realistic with his abilities in computer programming in order to improve them, finally put a dead line for that say 2 years.
He could imagine his life after those two years, after two years from improving his skills in programming, taking courses, studying, ... etc. He managed to achieve his goal. he could step forward and take another action, e.g. work in a famous computer programming company, and so on.
To tell the truth, I did not understand your words about God and the higher power.
In every good step we take, we must be sure that God (Allah)will reconcile us to the best ever.
It is not about waiting Allah's help without doing our best. But we do our best first and believe that Allah will be with us all over the way.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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